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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All About whats happening

Well, I am doing my Pilot training in Sydney(Australia). A student at Basair Aviation College. Aviation is about stages getting one after another.

 First You start with something called GFPT (General Flying Progress Test) Until you finish it, that means you have covered that you can fly an airplane with a passenger and there is no fear about taking them, the Flight Test is done with an ATO (Approved Testing Officer) which tests your flying skills and knowledge skills to make sure you are at standards.

Second of All, After GFPT you start flying towards Places (navigating) and upon completion of this stage you will make a flight Test Called PPL Flight test (Private Pilot Licence) which I did back in May 2010. A PPL enables you to take passengers anywhere but you cannot make profit from the flight.

What Enables you to make Profit from flying Is the CPL(Commercial Pilot Licence) which is intense in navigation, and being perfect in flying. You have to Pass 7 ground subjects in Australia which are ( Meteorology, Navigation, Aircraft General Knowledge, Aircrafts Performance, Human Performance and Limitations, Air Law, Aerodynamics).

Now this is the stage where I am in at the moment. I have my PPL and completed all 7 subjects of CPL, i have about 15 hours of Command flying left for my pre-licence check and then the flight test to be a Commercial Pilot !

After being done with the CPL I am going to do the Multi Engine - Instrument Rating Which is Flying on instruments and no use of visual information. This is what keeps a plane flying in CLOUD! or in fog :P ... and the multi engine endorsment is to be able to fly more than One engine in an aeroplane. Right now until CPL I fly a single engine airplane, and visual flying.

After doing my ME-IR I will do my ATPLs (Airline Transport Pilot Licence) This will let me take command of a big airplane in airlines.

OK thats About it !! My fingers are tired, and iam going to Eat something :D, Wait and see uploaded Pictures and Videos of me flying a bird in the skies !